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$ 12.98 USD



fUnc mouse pad U30r-S - Headshot Grunge

- Ultra thin and light weight, best for mobile gamers and road warriors
- Mouse clip is NOT fitted for this mousepad
- Rough 30r Surface area size: 9.65"X 7.2" (245 x 183 mm)

This U-series member is the latest in the single- sided line of products from Func Industries.
The U-Series is an ultra-thin, ultra-light weight single sided performance mouse pad that fits neatly inside your laptop case. Measuring only 0.024" ( 0.6mm)thick, the paper-thin U-Series is perfect for road warriors and mobile gamers. With a unique new shape and the same precision and accuracy that has come to be expected from Func Industries, the U-series is the perfect product for the hardcore gamer and professional computer user.

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